Archive of endless fantasies


This site is dedicated to aprilkun's lore and stories related archive.



Name : Aprilkun
Other Name : April, Aprilia Puspitasari, Imamura Ren, Arine Cherni
Age : 15 - 29 y.o.
Height : 150 - 158 cm
Weight : 45 - 48 kg
Eyes color : hazel
Hair color : brown

A petite girl with brown hair. Aged between teen to late 20s.


Alternate Universe where Aprilkun is a Vtuber themed "Child of Spring"


Born after the passing of harsh winter, she bloomed beautifully as an overseer; someone that overwatch the other realm the other 'her' lives in. As an overseer, the only thing she can do is watch and comment events that happen on the side, while waiting for an eternity that show no sign of passing.


  • Winterborn is a phase before child of spring.

  • Child of Spring has few appearance variations.

  • As an overseer, child of spring can only watch and comment on the other realms events.

  • Able to imitates her other selves from another realms but does not mean she become them.


Alternate Universe where Aprilkun is a Witch full of regrets


A girl risen from ash, having burn from regrets during her short life span as human, came back as a witch.
300 years have passed and she decided to mingle with humans as an adventuring mage.
During that time, her dead heart was beating for a warrior she encountered on her journey, yet she dare not to show her love, for that was what burnt her to ash and drove her to be a witch hidden in time.


  • Often wonder alone from place to place to avoid being suspected as a witch (there are witch hunt in few regions).

  • A witch of Spring named Aphos that has live for 300 years, but disguised herself as an adventurer mage named Agnes.

  • A witch is an omnipotent mage, they tend to live long and fell to darkness, which is why they are hunted by some and worshiped by others.

  • As an adventurer mage, she crafted a lance that doubles as staff, even though she does not really need staff/ chant as her spell are chant less and can be handled easily.

  • When she hit the 600 years mark, she prefer to hide in her quarter and only take a walk once in few years, as human get more nasty with wars and everything.

  • Originally as a human, she was a daughter of rich merchant, killed by bandits on one of the business travels.


Alternate Universe where Aprilkun (Imamura Ren) raise an Idol to chase her oshi


Love was something abstract. Ren Imamura (Aprilkun) has no understanding for it.
"As long as you like it, it is love right?"
A young girl risen herself from a normal girl to a charming idol for the small hope of being loved by her idol, Tensansama/ Hajime-kun! (Aprilian)


  • Ren is a prodigy child, able to do almost everything perfectly, but because of that she got bored easily and often switch interest.

  • Tensansama(13sama)'s is a rising idol, 4 years older than Ren, that captured her interest and managed to keep her hooked for the past 6 years. Now that she is 18 years old and has been doing well as a rookie solo idol, she got her chance to work side by side with her idol, 13sama (Hajime).

  • In this timeline, Ren is 18 years old while Hajime is 22 years old.

  • Hajime was originally in a 3 people group idol, but the group disbanded 2 years ago. Nowadays, Hajime took gig as singer, actor, and sometimes model.

  • Hajime is aware of Ren's obsession of him because it is her 'branding' as an idol (the management actually give up stopping her to shout out her fangirling on work lol).

  • The first time she saw hajime on screen, Ren's heart goes wild and since have been an avid fan. But Ren has no clue that her obsession as fangirl and 'love' is different kind of affection.

  • Hajime doesn't think much of Ren at first, because extreme fans are alot in number, and having another much less threatening is actually not a bother. But when working together for a commercial shoot, Ren's cuteness somehow made a way to Hajime's heart and he ended up asking her to hang out after the job ended. (he died of cuteness. PRAISE THE CUTENESS)

  • Management from Ren's agency decided to ban Ren meeting Hajime for a while because they are afraid it would harm both side's job on the future. For once, Ren abide, and for once Hajime does not abide. He smuggled her to his dressing room after a concert where he know Ren will definitely come incognito as a fangirl.

The 2000's Japanese Days AU

Alternate Universe where Aprilkun (Imamura Ren) approach the love of her past live


Imamura Ren (Aprilkun) remember her past life as a witch!
She also remember her beloved sweet heart but... eh?
He is here as well???


  • Ren remember her past life as a witch (fantasy AU) and how she fell in love with a warrior.

  • She jokes about her past live as one of her fantasies, but much to her surprise she saw the warrior she fell in love with in this era and this time would much likely to pursue him.

  • Hajime is your popular, good, and likeable guy. He is the warrior that Ren fell in love with, but he does not know that and bothered by Ren's passionate gaze.

  • After a year, Ren and Hajime actually become friends, but not quite a lover yet.

  • During their third year, Ren and Hajime actually almost go out with each other but not quite yet.

  • On their last summer as a high schooler, Ren was found dead and Hajime fell into depression as he knew the cause was his existence.

  • Ren died because she was pushed by a group of girls that does not like how close Ren is to Hajime, down the stairs, and eventually to her death.

  • Hajime was in fact, not really in love with Ren, but does find her adorable. Knowing her death caused indirectly by his indesiciveness to act, he tried to hide his guilt. But on his 20th birthday he cannot take it anymore and took his own life the same way Ren died.

Lawyer AU

Original Universe where Aprilkun (Aprilia Puspitasari) is a young lawyer.


Aprilia Puspitasari (Aprilkun) is your average young lawyer that work for a legal firm while being a content creator as a side gig.
One day at work, she encounters Ian, the 8 years younger boy that interns at a interior nearby design office.


  • Aprilia has been a lawyer for 2 years now, interning for 4 years.

  • Ian is a 4th year university student, that major in interior design company for his internship.

  • The two just kind of hanging out together after a few encounters near their offices.

  • Aprilia does a side gig as a content creator.

  • People often mistaken them as relatives.

Magical Girl AU

Alternate Universe where Aprilkun (Kim Ha Ru ) is a magical girl


Kim Ha Ru (Aprilkun) was chosen to protect the town she lives in from the evil forces, but wait she is not taking this seriously? Really?
"It's way too weird to fight them and time consuming. I'd rather just go home and play games."
But wait? why is there a timid and scaredy cat villain? Oh? I guess I can protect the town and bully this villain as well :3


  • Ha Ru is just your ordinary high school girl, when suddenly a magical pet come and said she is a chosen one to protect her town. Of course she deemed this as joke and went on her day, until the evil organization strike up their evil deed. Annoyed, Ha Ru decided to accept the deal as a magical girl.

  • Ha Ru use any means necesarry to complete her missions, even if it's deemed not very 'magical girl' like or 'justice way' like.

  • Then on one of her mission, she met with a young intern villain that is overwhelming in power, but timid and scaredy cat??? Oh, a new goal to bully this villain so Ha Ru won't be bored on her missions.

Self Insert

Many versions of Aprilkun in various game April has played


Aprilkun's take as operator and/ or doctor in Arknight game


Aprilkun's take as a character in Hoyoverse's games


Aprilkun's take as a character in Persona franchise